From Club Member to District Officer (Part 1)

Let me start by borrowing Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford University Commencement line where he says, “you cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward”. With that said, if you had asked me three and a half ago, at the beginning of my Toastmasters journey, if I thought I was going to be serving as a District Officer, my answer surely would have been NO.

When I first join the Toastmasters, I had no idea of the organization’s scope and dimension. As a matter of fact, I was more focus on getting a promotion at my job than I was interested in becoming a good communicator and a leader. I couldn’t imagine what the road ahead had in store for me.

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Meet the District Officers: Janice Buffalow

Name: Janice L. Buffalow, DTM     

Position: District 83 Director

Club(s): Somerville Toastmasters and Tower & Bridge Toastmasters

Other positions: I have held all Club Officer roles. I have been an Area Governor twice; Awards & Recognition Chair twice, District 83 Chief Judge, Club Growth Director, and Program Quality Director. I was named Toastmasters of the Year, 2013-2014.

How long have you been in Toastmasters? April, 2006; 11 years now.

What are your plans for the district/area/division?

The theme I have chosen for this year is “New Beginnings.” My plans for the district is to see our members stretch and continue to grow their leadership and communication skills by achieving at least one educational award this year. I plan to help our clubs maintain their membership with minimal loss, which at times is unavoidable, and bring in new members who will stay and grow to become better leaders and speakers.

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