Who Do You Let Influence Your Life?

Would you continue to ride your car despite having a flat in your car?
Would you drive your brand new car with 3 great tires and one flat tire? You’re probably thinking, “Of course not.” But guess what, we all do that figuratively. Not once, not twice, but many times in our life.
Let me ask you this: Do you drive with your emergency break on? It’s another way to ask “are you striving to win while you have someone or something pulling you down”?
Napoleon Hill constantly reiterates this point and is the source of the aforementioned powerful examples.  He believes we are the average of the 5 people we associate with or are influenced by on a daily basis.
Who are your 5 best buddies? How do they influence you? Do you choose your friends or does it happen at random? Do you let others come into your life and make an impact or do you choose who impacts your thoughts?