My Pathways Journey

I am a firm believer that if we do not evolve and progress, we become stale and irrelevant. I have witnessed this in my business world, spiritual world, and other areas of my life.

When Pathways was introduced, my soul jumped with excitement. What was this new curriculum going to look like? How will it be an advantage over what is the current curriculum that many have used successfully to change their lives? Why were we going to be the last region to get it? Finding out I had to wait until May 15th made me feel like a kid waiting for my birthday to come around. As soon as the 15th of May came, I took the survey to discover what path was best suited for me. Of the three that were given to me, Dynamic Leadership spoke loudly. I jumped right in, took the webinars, and loved how easy everything was to navigate.

I am currently shadowing under my Pastor at Life Church to grow in leadership and what the Dynamic Leadership curriculum offers is exactly the skills I need to work on to grow not only at my church, but also at work. I quickly signed up to do the Ice Breaker speech, and am working on my research project speech. Having to redo my Ice Breaker was not a discouragement because there are new people in my club, and my first Ice Breaker did not explain everything there is to know about Kevin. I look forward to hearing other established members deliver their Ice Breakers for the same reason.

Toastmasters is fantastic because it helps everyone learn from one another.
If anyone is unsure of how to move forward with the Pathways program, my advice is to just jump in! Talk with you club officers for assistance if you need it. Toastmasters has always been an organization that ignites a person’s soul to grow and be the best they can be. We are all one big family in Toastmasters and celebrate with each other. Now Pathways offers an additional reason to celebrate.

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