Club Spotlight: Impact 21

Club: Impact 21

Charter Date: March 29, 2002

2016-2017 Officers: Left to Right: Area 51 Director Oscar Ocasio, ACG, ALB, President Marjorie Nazaire, CC; VP of Education Manny Reyes, ACG, ALB, VP Membership; and Treasurer Cyndi Wilson DTM, VP PR Margarita Estrada, ACS, ALS; and Sgt. at Arms & Secretary Mario Lewis, ACG, CL



Club Members In Their Own Words:

I was painfully shy and could not even present my final graduate paper to my peers.  English as a second language also pushed me back to a dark corner.  My best friend told me about Toastmasters.  I visited Impact 21 in January 2016 and felt at home.  The club has given me my voice back and I realized that my accent should not be an handicap.  I shared my story with my fellow toastmasters and they gave me a confidence that I did not know existed in me.  Little by little I left my comfort zone, and volunteering for table topics allowed me to start and be part of any conversation. – President Marjorie Nazaire, CC

I joined Toastmasters because I wanted to be a better speaker and presenter. But I never thought I would find joy, friendship, camaraderie and passion for growth and personal development.  I started in Toastmasters by locating the Club that was closest to my house, where I have been a member for some time now. I have learned in turn that more than convenience you have to look for the Club that is the closest to your heart. Where you find that you can grow and help others in their own journey. A Club where you can see the type of leaders and speakers that you feel the closest to your own likes and needs. Where you learn and help others learn. Where every meeting is an adventure and a documentary of things that happened, things that are happening and things one hope will happen. Putting these goals and treasures together is how I ended up coming to Impact 21. – Manny Reyes, VP of Education, ACG, ALB

“I joined Toastmasters to regain my voice.  I used to be a Corporate Speaker for my employer and was part of their Speakers Bureau for many years.  Since we were talking to customers, the company wrote our speeches for us and taught us what gestures to use and when to use them.  When the company closed the bureau, my voice was one of the casualties.

Years later, I was working in a new department with a young(er) woman as my boss.  She saw the potential in me and recommended (i.e., insisted) that I join Toastmasters.  She belonged to Midtown Toastmasters when it was in Manhattan and both the club and I had moved to Basking Ridge.  One day I found a flier in the area kitchen and, as they say, the rest is history! 

I joined Impact 21 because my sister-in-law was a member of the club. I found that the club was warm, supportive and welcoming.  My sister-in-law left and I stayed!”- Cyndi Wilson, DTM, VP Membership & Treasurer

My name is Margarita Estrada.  I joined Toastmasters because I was a panic attack sufferer and I was desperate to get rid of this ailment.  At first, it was very difficult, because I would become physically ill, but with gentle encouragement from my fellow Toastmasters, I was able to overcome my panic attacks.  At Impact 21, I grew both as a person, communicator and leader.  I also discovered that I enjoy competitive speaking.  Currently I serve as Impact 21’s VP Public Relations, and have served the District as Conference Chair, Workshop Presenter, and Public Relations Officer (now PRM).  If I were to give one advice to a new Toastmaster, is to be gentle with yourself, to take the time to breathe, to smile at your audience (even if inside you want to run).  Stick it out, your growth will amaze you! –  Margarita Estrada, ACS, ALS, VP Public Relations

My name is Lorraine Campbell and I learned about Toastmasters as a way to overcome my fears of public speaking.  I visited Impact 21 and after 2 meetings fell in love with the club’s environment, leadership, and support received thus far from members.  I’ve not entirely overcome this fear, however, I’m more comfortable speaking in front of a large group.  Over the last few years I’ve had the opportunity to hone and develop my leadership skills by taking on various leadership roles both inside and outside of Impact21.  I’ve also participated in Toastmasters contest and find the experience rewarding and it stretches you in a way you wouldn’t imagine.  I find that attending Toastmasters meeting is an ongoing commitment.  To continue home my public speaking skills it is important for me to present topics from  one of the manuals on a regular basis, a must do if I want to strive for excellence. – Lorraine Campbell, ACB, ALB, Past President

I founded Impact 21 Toastmasters because I saw a need for a community club that would develop and enhance public speaking skills in a friendly and supportive environment. I am so happy this club has been able to provide professional development opportunities for those who might now have access to it in their places of employment.  The true strength in this chapter lies in the leaders and members who continue to keep it inviting and vibrant beyond the transition of the original members.- Juanita Daly, CTM, CL, Founder

I rejoined Toastmasters in NYC seven years when I realized that I was not living up to my potential at my job.  It was a difficult time for me.  I needed to rebuild my confidence and regain my voice.  I joined a District 46 club near my job and quickly got back on track by competing in speech contests.  While trying to find another club near my home, five years ago, I went to an Impact 21 meeting.  Immediately, I knew this was where I belonged.  I found the club members to be warm, caring, passionate, thoughtful, creative, and driven.  We have taken each other to new heights personally and professionally, and I believe the best is yet to come!- Secretary Mario Lewis



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