Club Spotlight: Sunset Toastmasters (Part 1)

Club Spotlight: Sunset Toastmasters      
Chartered: December 3, 2002
Meeting Times: 2nd and 4th Monday at 7:00pm. 
Address: Pearl River Library (80 Franklin Ave, Pearl River, NY)
Club Members In Their Own Words:
In 2011 I heard a friend talking about her Toastmasters club. It occurred to me that if I had to give speeches, I could finally put together the stories that had been handed down of my family history and, in giving them as speeches, could prepare them for collection in a book for my family so the stories and family history would not get lost.  At my first meeting, when asked to introduce myself, I could barely speak.  Since that time I have learned to be comfortable in front of an audience, represent myself much better at conferences, business meetings, etc., make a variety of different kinds of presentations and speeches, I also have a collection of family history vignettes that my family actually enjoys reading. I couldn’t have achieved this without the friendly acceptance and support of my club.  I love coming to the meetings and being part of a diverse, interesting group of people. It’s like jumping into one of those big boxes of many different balls that kids enjoy.  Each ball is different, but all together they support the people who “swim” among them. – Paula Steen

I joined Toastmasters three years ago to overcome shyness, and I began to feel the effects in a few short months.  Toastmasters is a wonderfully supportive environment, and I feel that everyone there is my friend, gunning for me to succeed. Because of Toastmasters, I’ve also become more outspoken in other contexts, mostly related to activism, although that has not always had good results. In this divided world, I guess I should not have been surprised. But the negative experiences on the outside have made me come to appreciate Toastmasters all the more. We’re a diverse group of adults focused on self-improvement and supporting each other. Truly, it’s an oasis in these contentious times. – Kressel Housman
I joined Toastmasters to hone my public speaking skills and to routinely get up in front of an audience to get over my pre-speech anticipation jitters. I have been working from home for the last five years and periodically I do meet with various colleagues in person and have to present  and Toastmasters has helped me get through these situations. Sunset Toastmasters is the second club I have been a part of – I was looking for a club that is supportive and where all members are there to achieve similar types of goals and I found it at Sunset Toastmasters. I’ve enjoyed being with the club for over a year and look forward to many more! – Brian Reilly
I moved to Pearl River in 2011. I am retired and keep busy by volunteering with non-profits and local government. I joined Sunset Toastmasters for social reasons and to enhance my speaking abilities. It has paid off, particularly practicing Table Topics, as I speak better on my feet in Board and government meetings. The Sunset Toastmasters members are multi-cultural, interesting, friendly, and fun loving. I cannot fail in meetings with them as I know, no matter what happens, I am improving my communication skills. I am an officer and this has developed my leadership skills. I am happy I joined Sunset Toastmasters as I am more effective in the community than I would have been otherwise. -Robert Tompkins
I joined this club when it first started because I had disastrous public speaking experiences and I wanted to do better.  Even though I am a DTM, I know that practice keeps my skills up.  What I didn’t count on was meeting so many wonderful people who have become my friends.  Even though no other original members are left, I enjoy the support and friendship of new individuals who come to challenge themselves. –Barbara Noyes

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