Storytelling: Is It A Dying Art?

Recently, I was a participant in a very powerful workshop where I presented a short session on storytelling. After my presentation, the response was overwhelming. The participants said that it was informative, entertaining, helpful and very well delivered. However, what surprised me most was that more than one person said to me that storytelling is a dying art.

To me, it was strange because I grew up in a culture and family that was very rich in storytelling. That is how I knew my parents and grandparents and on top of it all, it was simply great entertainment. I assure you that a good story could compete with TV anytime.

Storytelling is as old as the world itself. Humans started telling stories as soon as they could speak. How could they not?! The spoken word came much earlier than the written one, and people had to preserve and pass along information, knowledge, wisdom and entertainment.

Do stories have a place in a business environment? In my opinion, it is a definite YES. Our stories can inspire, educate, entertain, inform, sell and transform our audience members.

Storytelling is a powerful business tool. It is a skill that every business and brand should master. When done well, storytelling can do wonders for a business, such as turn a brand into a legacy, influence the mind share and market share, generate profit and win the loyalty of the intended audience.

A good story makes us think and feel. It helps us to emotionally connect people to a brand.

Keep telling your stories, because only you can!


About the Author:

Isaak Gelbinovich

Isaak Gelbinovich, is a Professional Speaker, Author, Presentation Coach, Workshop leader, International Speaker.

Isaak Gelbinovich, a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Awardee, is a member of No Limits Toastmasters, located in Staten Island, NY. He is also part of the OMNI-PRO Speakers Bureau, sponsored by District 83, Toastmasters.

Specialties:  Business and Personal Communication; Humor; Inspiration; Networking; Storytelling in business.


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