Club Spotlight: Old Bridge Toastmasters

 It’s easy to think of Toastmasters as one giant homogeneous organization. As any Toastmaster will tell you, that is far from the truth. Each club has a unique personality. Club Spotlight seeks to help current and future members find the right club(s) for their Toastmasters goals.

Club: Old Bridge Toastmasters 1401391

Charter Date: June 30, 2010 by Thomas Somers, DTM

Recent Awards: President’s Distinguished for 6 consecutive years.

Club members in their own words:

I joined Old Bridge Toastmasters to help me reduce my Social Anxiety and to be a better public speaker and leader. I always refer to the ability to be an effective public speaker as the “Great Equalizer.” It’s a skill that if your going to be in the working world, essential! — Francis B. Gatto, CC

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