Toasting and Roasting Frank Schuck

The birthday boy and his wife.

On June 27, Toastmasters veteran Frank Schuck celebrated his 75th birthday with a Toastmasters dinner at The Wine Bar in Atlantic Highlands. He invited friends from clubs at AT&T Middletown Toastmasters, Red Bank Toastmasters, and Talk of Monmouth, an advanced club.

Paul Ireifej served as the Toastmaster. He kicked off the meeting with a roast. He acknowledged Frank’s military service and did an impression of Frank, complete with his gravelly voice and wide arm gestures. Paul ended with sincere words, applauding Frank’s 48-year marriage to his wife, Sheila, noting that you don’t even know if it’s been a good 48 years.

Next, Rohit Sivadas came to the lectern with a roast. He noted that Frank’s wife, Sheila, is really the important person that evening! Rohit complimented the beautifully designed cake (complete with Toastmasters logo), acknowledged Frank’s new Area Director role and ended by referring to Frank as the funny guy who brings cakes.

Radhi Spear continued the evening with a roast. She started by saying, “now I can tell Frank to his face things I’ve been saying behind his back.”

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