Volunteering Led to Toastmasters

I grew up in a family that values volunteering. I carried the orange UNICEF box to collect change on Halloween as a girl, watched my parents actively engage in the community through the Jaycees, and joined my grandmother in delivering mail to patients in the hospital as a candy striper.

Nicole speaking at a Room to Read event.

The foundation of service to others was firmly established in my upbringing. I continued to volunteer throughout college, career and kids when time permitted. In 2010 service switched from being a pastime to a priority. I was invited to join the local chapter of a global organization focused on literacy.

Room to Read began in 2000 on the belief that World Change Starts with Educated Children. Room to Read operates in 14 countries and has an extensive volunteer network worldwide. I read the book by the founder, Leaving Microsoft to Change the World, and was immediately hooked.

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