Which Type of Goal Setter Are You? Circle, Zig-Zag or Straight Line

When it comes to goal setting, there are three different types of cycles people can get caught in: Circles, Zig Zags, and Straight Lines. Do you know which one you are? 

Circle Goal Setters

Have you ever got caught in a perpetual cycle trying to achieve the same goal over and over again thinking, “this time it will be different,” but it rarely is? If you’ve ever felt this way, you have been in the loop of a circle goal setter. Circle goal-setters start with a wildly optimistic goal but lack clear objectives for obtaining it. They might start strong and see progress, but they are eventually thrown off their path to success. After a while, all hope for obtaining the goal is completely gone. Has this ever happened to you?

Zig-Zag Goal Setters

Have you ever set a goal, but it took you two to four times longer to achieve that goal than originally intended? If so, you could have been a victim of zig-zag goal setting. This is when you set a goal, get off track, distractions creep in, and you have to reset and get back on track. This pattern continues off and on until the goal is eventually reached. Have you ever taken a zig and then a zag when trying to reach your goals?

Straight-Line Goal Setters

The straight-line goal-setter is the person who sets a goal and accomplishes it without any setbacks. They get from point A to point B without getting off course. Although, the straight-line goal-setter might deal with obstacles as well; however, they have systems in place to keep them on track. Do you have a history of achieving your goals on time every time?

Develop S.M.A.R.T. Goals

If you have been stuck in the cycle of a circle or zig-zag goal setter, then you could reap large benefits from utilizing the S.M.A.R.T. acronym. This is a tool that will help you develop a definite plan for achieving your goals. Here is the breakdown. The S stands for specific. If you want to achieve any goal, you have to know exactly what the goal is and how to accomplish it. If you set unclear or vague goals, you are setting yourself up for failure. Therefore, make your goal as specific as possible.

The M stands for measurable. Are you setting your goals in increments to measure progress? If not, it’s a good time to start. By making your goals measurable, you can celebrate the small wins along the way. This will help boost your confidence as you make progress. The A stands for achievable. Instead of setting wildly optimistic goals, it’s better to set smaller goals and build momentum as you achieve each one. The more success you have overtime, the more likely you will stick with the goal and see it through to its entirety.

The R stands for relevance. Is your goal relevant to where you currently are in life? If not, it will be easy to put that goal on the backburner when you know it isn’t helping you. Set goals you know that can help you get where you want to go. Lastly, the T stands for timely. What is the deadline or timeline for accomplishing your goal? Setting a clear time frame to achieving your goal is crucial for being able to measure your progress and know if you are falling behind or seeing success.

If you want to achieve your goals faster with less delay, utilize the S.M.A.R.T. acronym as your winning roadmap. To also help you achieve your goals, it helps having an accountability partner. You might also want to make your goals public. The more social pressure you apply, the more likely you will follow through. Lastly, find a coach, trainer, or mentor who has achieved the desired outcome you want! Having an expert helping you can expedite the results and get you to your goal even quicker. If you truly want to reach your goals, you must create a plan, put in the time, find the right resources, and push through the difficult times. Just know you can do it. Never give up!

About the Author:

 Jeremy Yencer

Certified Coach, Speaker & Trainer

Jeremy is a leadership enthusiast whose “WHY” is to inspire others to find their purpose so that they can elevate their lives and make a greater impact for themselves and their community. He once was destined to be a high school dropout but shifted his life around by having mentors who helped him discover a path to success. Jeremy knows how valuable mentorship can be and wants to give back to as many people as possible. He serves as a mentor, coach, and speaker helping others discover their “aha” moments.

Website: www.elevated-coaching.com

Email: Jeremy.Yencer@elevated-coaching.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyyencer/

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