Comment, Like, and Share

The key thing to remember about social media is that it is SOCIAL. You can post whatever you want, but if no one comments, likes, or shares your content, you might as well be an old man screaming at a cloud. Without interaction from your followers, your content will fall into the Internet’s abyss and no one will see it. Newer content has a chance, but popular content reigns supreme.

Charlotte demonstrates the importance of social media.

Newer content survives by creating reactions. The reactions don’t have to be positive for content to survive. Often, the negative generates more feedback than inspirational stories. This is why your newsfeeds are constantly filled with people complaining about celebrities, politicians they hate, and whatever angered them at that moment. However, you also see stories about people miraculously surviving against all odds, succeeding in losing weight, and cute cats. A LOT of cute cats, this is the Internet after all.

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